The virtual is not an adequate substitute for the authentic.
The virtual is not an adequate substitute for the authentic.
Well, I have finally opened a Facebook Page for I have come to the reality that with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence making lists can be pretty easy. I have been approached and inquired about how to automate my processes and concluded that the lists I provide are not easy. The acquisition of the data can be quickly achieved through AI. But that is not what my list are. When I started it was to help find time and free up resources for Bicycle People. When I supply a list it is to shorten the task of finding the right shops for your brand. The BikeShopList is current and each name/address etc is double verified where I need to find the data in many internet sites (At least 2) to have that entity qualify. My lists are time sensitive and that is just not the way AI works. AI is kinda like "if ever" and not "Now". I bought a "Bike Shop List" that found it's way to me and did some research. Yes, it had a large count of Email addresses and locations... but is was a Web Scraping event (WebCrawler) (AI) and someone searched "Bike, Bicycles, Cycles" in LinkedIn. Well, any and all hits related to these search words were considered valid. Not only were there companies I have never heard (or in the Bike Business) of but also names that didn't belong. When in LinkedIn your connections stretch way past your first contacts. Anybody who knew you and anybody who knew them and anybody who knew them and on and on and on. Seeing 63 Email addresses for Specialized looked wrong since Specialized is a brand but further review revealed they were not current Specialized. One of the names was a salesman who worked for me in the 1990's and went to Specialized after me and then to Giant Bicycles. He also tragically passed away in 2014
Copyright © 2025 The Bike Shop List - All Rights Reserved.
If you would like to read the history of some Schwinn Press releases...
What About lists generated by Artificial Intelligence?